
The blind spot of smart working

When we talk about smart working, the conversation often revolves around topics such as digitization, hardware and software support, and the various possible contractual forms. […]


When there is no smart, perhaps it is time for the wisdom

Over the past few months, smart working has emerged in Italy, first of all as a possible experience and, secondly, as a topic of debate […]


What world would you like to live in?

Do you ever close your eyes and imagine what kind of world you would like to live in? It happens to me too! I think […]

lettera fra_per blog

Between smart working and self-organization

This pandemic forced us to suddenly learn about smart working. We managed home, family, and work in a single space of time and life…we felt […]

lettera franci

Dreaming, while keeping our feet on the ground

If you happened to be listening to conversations in this period, perhaps like me you have come across imaginary paintings with more or less bright […]

lettera ilaria

A courageous choice for individuals and organizations

In the recent months, many of us have been forced to change our routine. A routine which is often made up of tight schedules, meetings […]

lettera ale

There is no turning back from smart working

I remember the day a colleague first said it. “From smart working there is no turning back.” I have to admit that this idea didn’t […]

lettera susan

Return to the office? “No thanks, I quit.”

How should we approach the return to office work? What new role will offices play now that we’ve had the experience of smart working for […]

lettera silvia

Narrating complexity beyond time and place

I have only just discovered John Steinbeck in the last few days. Yes, I knew that he had been a Nobel Prize winner, just as […]

antonio di stefano new normal peoplerise