

In this post we continue the story of the participants of the workshop Co-create the future of work: today is the turn of the BRIDGE AREA.


“On the occasion of the Galileo Festival, an interesting challenge was proposed to us by the Peoplerise team: co-create new guidelines to favor university-workplace dialogue.


bridge area


As students nearing the end of our university career, we decided to delve into the delicate phase called Bridge, as it felt particularly close to our near future.


From an initial discussion among us, starting from our personal experiences, a perception emerged of a lack of dialogue between the university and the company, as it is generally in the exclusive interest of us young people to approach the world of work. Often the company, on the other hand, seems to passively accept the student, mostly seen as a burden and not as a potential resource bearer of innovation. Therefore, our goal, also stimulated by the reflections proposed to us by Daniela Frison (Assignee at FISSPA, University of Padua), was to analyze new experiences and initiatives to bridge this gap, aware of the fact that the internship is only one of the many forms of student-university-company dialogue.


Speaking with the protagonists of the Festival and listening to the experiences, we were amazed by the feedback we received: entrepreneurs, university professors and professionals proved to be aware of the importance of the added value of the student, willing to commit themselves in first person in the development of new forms of dialogue and integration into the world of work.


galileo festival


the evolution of the path


Three days full of stimuli, discussions, interviews and surprises have revolutionized our starting point. Being involved personally and asked to propose practical solutions, we realized how difficult it really is to build a Bridge capable of satisfying the needs of the three actors involved. Passion, communication and collaboration are the pillars on which to build the Bridge of the future of work. With the proposed solutions, we would like to encourage the creation of spaces and moments of exchange between University-Student-Company (both formal and informal): Learning on the Job, Speed Dating and Specializing Training Courses, are proposed as tools to on the one hand provide a “practical” training to students, and on the other hand new insights to companies to innovate and, if desired, as the first step of an eventual candidate selection. In the near future, we would like to see a model of “Open Company”, that is, a company that opens its spaces not only for university training, but also to the community, as a sign of an organization that is working for and with society.




the achieved results


At the end of this path it was nice to discover how our ideas and solutions turned out to be perfectly in line with the proposals of the other groups (University and Company), who in facing these three days have perceived our same needs. A great satisfaction was to receive positive feedback from the representatives of the areas involved, convinced to have given useful inputs to explore and promote in the future.


From this positive experience we take with us a greater awareness of the problem and a great desire to get involved in first person to ensure that this Bridge becomes an experience of growth for all!


And what do you think? Do you want to become Bridge builders?”

Marianna | Sara |Giusy | Federica | Silvia


Did you miss the article from the UNIVERSITY AREA? click here.

Go to the third part, with the post from the COMPANY AREA


galileo festival

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