
Smart with heart

Working remotely, working from home: what is commonly referred to as “smart working” has now become a custom for many.


But are we really smart in this way of working?


Digitalization has come to the rescue of many professionals as a valuable support and an essential means of carrying forward projects and communications. Meetings can continue to take place, knowledge is circulated, work proceeds and ideas become reality. Certainly the “head” and “hands” are always active.


But in all of this, we must not forget the heart


As Peoplerise, we like to care for organizations on three levels: head, heart and hands. And, now more than ever, we feel the importance and responsibility to keep the focus on the dimension of the heart, of the emotions and experiences, positive and negative, that accompany us every day.


The hours in front of the screens and video conferences, one after the other, are many. As professionals, we are greedy for suggestions and advice on the best online platforms and techniques for managing digital meetings. Our invitation is to devote just as much attention to connecting with our emotional side, with what fuels our well-being and the development of authentic relationships, both with those on the other side of the screen and with our loved ones in the other rooms of the house.


As Peoplerise we have an active ongoing laboratory on how to be smart with heart, to embrace a more complete way of working, which always includes the most “human” part of us.


We started with what made us smile, funny moments and small experiences of well-being, and collected our anecdotes on our facebook page.

If the idea of a world smart with heart resonates with you, tell us about your experience in the comments to the post. It will be a great way to learn together!  



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