Susanna Martucci

How to train regenerative and circular thinking?

How can we take action for real sustainability and regeneration?


On the occasion of B Corp Month, our guest in “Let’s peoplerise with…Susanna Martucci”, the founder of Alisea Recycled & Reused Objects Design, a B Corp company that has been at the forefront of the circular economy for over 30 years. With Susanna, we will explore hers and her company’s biography and we will get inspired on how we can learn to recognise the hidden value that is invisible to others.


👉 How can waste be transformed into something new, useful and beautiful?

👉 Why is it important to talk about social sustainability as well as environmental sustainability?

👉 How can we act with awareness now, looking to the future generations?


📌The guest of this live broadcast with the Peoplerisers Alessandro Rossi and Valentina Bianchini is Susanna Martucci.


economia circolare


Discover her bio:


“I am Susanna and I am an energy producer, not the energy you need to run the toaster at home, but the energy that lights up your neurons and drives them to generate ideas.


Ideas that have allowed me, since 1994, to see (and find) gold where anyone could only see waste, scraps, residues, ideas that have guided me in rethinking and designing the future with what everyone was trying to get rid of. Ideas to transform unusable matter, any kind of matter – paper, rubber, fabric, glass, leather, plastic and whatever else – into products of great utility and equally great value and aesthetic content. Ideas like recovering and recycling graphite powder and obtaining Perpetua, the most original pencil on the planet with a unique design.


Thanks to this non-ordinary way of looking at waste and my ongoing commitment to R&D, today I can say that I am ‘lighting sparks’ within those Italian companies that share a willingness to commit to changing the way things are done, in the name of genuine Environmental Social and Economic sustainability.”

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