Giuseppe Caruso

Self-organisation: which Teal practices in Zordan?

πŸš€ Why and how to implement a real organisational, cultural and structural transformation towards self-organised teams?


In β€œLet’s peoplerise with…Giuseppe Caruso”, CEO of Zordan, tells us, in a very concrete way, about the main evolutions in organisational practices and processes following Zordan’s journey towards the Teal paradigm.

What inspired them and how did they then make this extraordinary journey possible and widespread?

πŸ‘‰ What does it mean to put the Purpose at the centre and how does this influence decision-making?
πŸ‘‰ How can one reverse the corporate organisation chart and really place people at the centre?
πŸ‘‰ How are processes and the employee experience (e.g. recruiting, onborading…) evolving from a Teal perspective?

πŸ“Œ The guest of this live broadcast with the peoplerisers Alessandro Rossi and Isabella Ciampi is Giuseppe Caruso.


pratiche Teal

Discover his bio:


Having graduated in computer engineering in 2004, I started my career at Zordan in 2010, after six years’ experience as a sales engineer in a software house.

From 2010 to 2020, as project manager, I followed Zordan’s most loyal customers in the absolute luxury sector. Since the company’s reorganisation with a Teal perspective, I assume responsibility as team leader for the purple team, which is responsible for managing new customers and accompanying the company’s growth, ensuring smooth organisational development and process innovation.

Since 2022, I have become a member of the Zordan Board of Directors, and since 2023 I have been appointed Managing Director.”

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