In this field of research, carried out together with the CUOA Business School and the partners listed below, the scientific and professional worlds exchange knowledge and experience on the topic of complexity sciences applied to management. The community now includes more than 200 people engaged in various Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
The scientific management emerged in the previous century and have enabled unimaginable achievements in terms of productivity and progress. In the meantime, business and social contexts have become increasingly global, volatile and interdependent. This change has left the scientific approach to management insufficient.
Hence the birth of the CUOA COMPLEXITY COMMUNITY, a place where each member of the community of practice has the opportunity for lifelong learning based on the sharing of skills, practices, ideas, studies, research, experiments, etc.
Intelligence is distributed and must be captured and exploited in sharing environments such as the community. The future is of many-minded organisations and we intend to be like a Renaissance “workshop” where people can raise their awareness, learn, interact, compare and improve their skills.
The “Complexity Community” is the only way to enhance professional knowledge, which is different from scientific knowledge, and which complements and enriches it. Professional knowledge is created during the decision-making process and actions of professionals who face ill-defined, unique, and ever-changing problems.
Communities of practice are self-organising systems based on common interests, professional diversity, mutual relations, exchange of both tacit and explicit knowledge, and cooperative learning. The construction of shared collective knowledge enables the development of genuine cognitive redundancy based on open-mindedness, new perspectives, intellectual curiosity, and deviance. The prize is flattering: a cognitive enrichment to navigate as “wise men” in the seas of complexity.
with whom
Centro sull’Innovazione Tecnologica e Digitale di Liuc Business School, Complexity Education Project, CREDEM, Diotima society, Dipartimento di Ingegneria informatica automatica e gestionale Antonio Ruberti (Sapienza Università di Roma), Fondazione Fabbri, Forma del tempo, Indaco, Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (STIIMA-CNR), Laboratorio di Ingegneria Gestionale (Università di Udine), Laboratorio di Scienze Matematiche (Università Internazionale degli Studi di Roma), Novalia, Peoplerise, Simplify, Texture, The Business Game, The Human Factory, Venetwork, Zeranta Edutainment, Zordan.
This topic is extremely topical and essential to explore. Would you like to contribute? Join the Complexity Management Community
Watch the video of the first meeting “I vantaggi dell’auto organizzazione per affrontare la complessità, il caso Zordan”