
Alessandro Rossi

alessandro rossi peoplerise

I am a father of three, husband, son, brother, friend, (former) swimmer, Peopleriser! For me, being a Peopleriser is about meeting and helping others to co-exist at their fullest potential in their own habitat. The neighbour is as much an individual as an entire organisation.


I love the extraordinary, not taking things for granted, contributing to a world that evolves by constantly questioning itself and which, through the right questions, can bring ideality and reality closer together.


I use an unorthodox style to stimulate new thoughts, feelings, and actions oriented to a gentle revolution for a new economy at the real service of human beings, making a contribution to organisations in rethinking the meaning of success through profitable paths from all points of view.


#self-organising #co-creation #strategy #transformation #coaching

write me: alessandro.rossi@peoplerise.net

read my articles

“The human mind is a citizen of two worlds, a spiritual one and a pyhisical one” Bernard Lievegoed